[품질경영학회지] 2021년도 9월호 (제49권 3호) 발간 안내
  • 한국품질경영학회 / 2021-09-30 / 2,537
Volume 49(3); September 2021http://www.jksqm.org
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Volume 49(3); September 2021

We are pleased to deliver table of contents alert for Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management.
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management Open access articles are now available at http://www.jksqm.org.

Table of Contents
Qualitys in National Defense Domain
233A Research on Development of Applique Armor Kit for Design of Manufacturing Technology based on the Reverse Engineering
Dong Hyeon Ko, Tae Sang Moon, Young Ki Kim
245Analysis and Improvement of Factors Influencing the Transfer Alignment of INS of Underwater Projectile
Bo Ram Kim, Young Tak Jung, Sang Hoon Lee, Young Wook Kim, Hyeong Jik Kong
255Analysis of How the Bonding Force between Two Assemblies Affects the Flight Stability of a High-speed Rotating Projectile
Sang-bong Lee, Nak-sun Choi, Jong-hyeon Lee, Sang-min Kim, Byung-duk Kang
269A Study on the Reflection of Condition-Based Maintenance Requirement in the Defense Specification
Minjeong Son, Young-Gil Kim
Quality Policy
281A Study on Global Competitiveness Factors of Electrical and Electronic Testing and Certification Bodies
Kyunghwan PARK, Cheolgyu LEE
General Quality Researches
299Design of a Condition-based Maintenance Policy Using a Surrogate Variable
Hyuck Moo Kwon, Sung Hoon Hong, Min Koo Lee
313The Compensation Gap between Top Management Team(TMT) and Employee, and Firm Performance : Moderating Role of Promotion Probability and Opportunity, and Satisfaction with TMT
Suk Bong Choi
327Identifying Process Capability Index for Electricity Distribution System through Thermal Image Analysis
Hyung-Geun Lee, Yong-Min Hong, Sung-Woo Kang
341Economic Design of A Zero-Failure Reliability Demonstration Test Considering Capacity Limitation of Test Equipment
Sook Hyun Han, Won Young Yun, Sun Keun Seo
359A Study on Factors Affecting Intention to Use Connected Cars
Sungkwang Jeen, Seog Kim, Jeongil Choi
375Development of Regional Balanced Index for Administrative Districts and Dongs in Seoul using Factor Analysis
Dong-geun Kim, Kwiwon Park, Somi Ha, Dohyun Kim
393The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities on Financial Performance in Public Institutions
Ji Kyung Jang, Soo Kyun Kim
405An Exploratory Study on the Educational Enviroment for the Application of Virtual Reality Contents to the Curriculum -Focusing on Improving the Quality of Education
Ki-yoon Kim
Case Studies
421A Case Study on the Target Sampling Inspection for Improving Outgoing Quality
Junse Kim, Changki Lee, Kyungnam Kim, Changwoo Kim, Hyemi Song, Seoungsu Ahn, Jaewon Oh, Hyunsang Jo, Sangseop Han
433ESG Management Practice Led by BYN Black Yak: The Resource Circulation System for Recycling Domestic Transparent PET Bottle
Tae Sun Kang, Youn Sung Kim, Dexter Jung
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