[품질경영학회지] 2024년도 12월호 (제52권 4호) 발간 안내
  • 한국품질경영학회 / 2024-12-31 / 509
Volume 52(4); November 2024http://www.jksqm.org
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Volume 52(4); November 2024

We are pleased to deliver table of contents alert for Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management.
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management Open access articles are now available at http://www.jksqm.org.

Table of Contents
General Quality Researches
593The Hemoglobin Prediction Modeling Based on the National Health Data
Dae Won Jung, Wook-Yeon Hwang
603Development of Stepwise Forecasting Experimental Design Methods Based on AI Technologies
Kyungjin Park, Jehan Jeong, Junhyuk Jang, Sangmun Shin
621A Systematic Literature Analysis of Innovation Initiatives from an ISO 56000 Perspective: Focusing on Topic Modelling(LDA) and Generative AI-based Interpretation
Se-Hoon Park, Il-Seong Hong, Young-Seok Ock
637The Impact of Supervisors’ Coaching Leadership on the Adaptation Performance of New Employees in SMEs: The Mediating Role of Feedback-Seeking Behavior and the Moderating Role of Growth Need
Ki Suk Kim, Soon young Jun
657A Study on the Effect of Social Cognitive Factors on Employees’Intention to Comply with BYOD Security Policy
Chang Geun Lee, Joon Woo Yoo, Jun Sung Park, Young Ju Cho, Jun Young Yoo, So young Kim, Hee Jun Park
675Analyzing Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction: An Integrated Approach Using Servicescape, SERVQUAL, and the Kano Model
Eun Hye Kim, Hyeon Dong Kim, Ki-Hyun Um
699Comparative Study of Domestic and International Customer Perceptions in the E-commerce Industry Using Big Data: AliExpress, Temu, and Shein
Eunji Lee, InAe Ryu, Jaeyoung Moon
717User Experience Data-Based Quality Evaluation for Micro Electric Vehicle Mobility Services
Munwon Lim, Yunhee Kim, Donghwan Jeon, Beomjun Kim, Jongnam Kim, Minjae Kim, Huiseon Choi, Suk Joo Bae
729Comparative Study on the Detection of Residual Pesticides Based on Morphological Characteristics of Produce
Gangcheon Kim, Chang Jo Kim, Jisook Song, Eunsoo Park, Yonghyun Kim, Jeehwa Hong
745The Impact of Fixed Shift Work of Fixed Night Shift Nurses on Job Engagement and Satisfaction
Jeong-A Bang, HyunSuk Joung, DonHee Lee
767Analysis of Key Factors and Development of Yield Prediction Model for Greenhouse Cucumber Cultivation
So Ra Kang, Hyerim Lee, Myung Hwan Na
785Analyzing the Relationship between the Level of Operation of Corporate Safety and Health Management Activities and the Level of Safety Culture Creation in Preparation for the Serious Accident Punishment Act
JunHyeok Seo, SungMin Bae
801Analysis of Structural Changes in the Mobile-base E-commerce Market
Mi Yeon Lee, Young Ju Cho, Heejun Park
827The Effect of VMD Cognitive Quality of Brand Pop-up Stores on eWord-of-Mouth Behavior
Jae Ho Jung, In Su Cho
Case Study
845Understanding the Concepts of Proactive Quality Management and Its Cases
Jeongwoo Park, Hosun Rhim, Yeji Kim
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